1) Facebook:
This social networking site is one of the most difficult site as the marketers cannot access the other’s profiles until they are added to your friend list. You can monitor the links to see the keywords that are very much in use today. You have to look into the “posts by everyone” option to get the ideas of new keywords. Using this platform, you can connect to thousands of people worldwide.
2) Twitter:
This platform is mostly used by the people who are working as SEO or content writers. In this social media , content writers and bloggers give the content of their creative thing with a link and this link will be followed by the users internationally.
3) YouTube:
This website is considered to be the best when it comes to video sharing. If you are a marketing person you have to realize that what people most search for the YouTube and what keywords they use mostly. YouTube has its own keyword research tool that can be used for the keyword research. This option helps to identify the most popular video searches on YouTube. Another feature introduce by the You Tube is the “You Tube suggestion “option which is quite similar to “Google suggestion”.

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